Awarded Desencaja 2014.

“Fake shake” is a visual collage through which I explore  political and  everyday objects. From this fusion of elements, a meaning is generated associated with the object as well as the context. I explore the limits of the individual, playing with the pre-established meanings, but also the associations influenced by the environment. As if it is a game, I splashed the pieces in the exhibition space like small lightnings making reference to W. Benjamin, which I hope will lead the viewer to generate its own meanings. The sparks of memory, fused with the idea of the “unseen” as Godard says “We always saw the same thing, in fact, we saw nothing” (…) Everything that was beyond or behind the fiction, everything that was not to demonstrate the incredible character of the event, had been suppressed “(Resonances: art and life, AF Polanco.) I hope it causes the viewer to appropriate the relationships between the images and make the work its own, creating a new image. I take the political, the everyday and the media, as Claude Monet said, “Painting not what we see, because we see nothing, but paint what we do not see.”


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